Delinquent Daughters! booga booga

Delinquent Daughters comes on a DVD set called Cult Classics, so there’s just no possible way that the movie’s any good, right? Right. There’s nothing good about it, except that it’s… no, sorry, there’s nothing good about it, period. It’s not good in the so-bad-it’s-funny way. It’s not good in any way at all.

Released in 1944, Delinquent Daughters is part of the same “message” family as such legends as Reefer Madness, Marihuana, and The Cocaine Fiends. Yep, you guessed it, it was supposed to be a way to steer kids away from the horrors of illict drugs and debauchery. Nowadays, a movie with this sort of theme would play to empty houses, as the kidlets would find other, more awesomer movies to go see. But back then, you had pretty much one choice when it came to movies – whatever your local theater was showing. Yes, it’s true, kids – once upon a time, there was not only just one theater in town, it showed only one or two movies, and almost never at the same time! Why, you could see two or three showings of the same movie, all for a shiny nickel! Why … hey, where are you going? Come back here!

In Delinquent Daughters, some dopey teen doped up on dope or completely straight, I can’t recall which, jumped to her death on purpose. The police call it suicide; I call it a crying shame they didn’t let the audience watch. But I digress. As the cops investigate the cause, they unearth a gang of marauding teenagers who steal from candy stores and gas stations! Who smoke and swear (well, they think bad words) and show absolutely no respect for their elders, the dang spoiled nitwits! (I love how when the kids are stealing, they get like $4. Yes, four dollars. What the hey hey? ‘Course, that was like $4000 in 1944 money.)

Throughout a lot of the movie, the screen’s almost entirely black. No, it’s not that the picture’s bad on the DVD player or TV, no sir. I can see the outline of a teen there, or maybe that’s a large dog. Or a car. Or the President of the Bobby Vinton fan club. Anyway, there’s something there. It’s just what we might call “poor lighting,” but here, I say it’s a benefit, as it keeps us from merely hearing bad acting instead of seeing it as well.

A huge waste of time. You’re welcome.

Delinquent Daughters: *

4 Responses to “Delinquent Daughters! booga booga”

  1. Pages tagged "delinquent" Says:

    […] = “34d024″; var mooter_wrapper_url=””; var run_method = “onload”; var mooter_target = “0”; Delinquent Daughters! booga booga saved by 1 others     joshlora2 bookmarked on 01/15/08 | […]

  2. wabbs Says:

    Sorry that you sat through this one, but at least nobody should be tempted to rent it to see if its any good.

  3. frothy Says:

    Yeah, it’s campy, but badly. I’m willing to sacrifice for my art – it’s just a shame the makers of this movie were not similarly inclined!

  4. Connecting News, Commentaries and Blogs at - Says:

    […] it was … a raconteur’s attempt – Last Updated – 1 hours ago  Request a Trackback Delinquent Daughters! booga booga Delinquent Daughters comes on a DVD set called Cult Classics, so there’s just no possible […]

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